Aaron Ardiri
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Internet of Things (IoT)

RIoT Secure AB


The final pieces are falling into place - µTLS (micro TLS) is almost ready to be used for real!

µTLS (micro TLS) is almost ready - so far, we have sorted out how to establish a trusted connection using public-key cryptography where we can then exchange a secret session key for ongoing communication using a symmetric cipher; now we just need to add a level of integrity to what is being sent. It is the final piece in the suite of algorithms used in Transport Layer Security.

Typically; the encryption layer adds data integrity using a a MAC (Message Authentication Code).

There is one problem; not all encryption layers may have this implemented - so it makes sense to introduce our own system. Our main goal is to verify that what was received was actually what we sent - so we devised the following logic that would be quite easy to integrate on both sides.

    :: SOURCE ::                  |  :: DESTINATION ::
    digest    = hash(message);    |  decrypted = decrypt(message);
    encrypted = encrypt(message); |  if (digest == hash(decrypted)) 
                                  |    accept message;
                                  |  else
                                  |    reject message;

Initially we considered the likes of MD5 and SHA-xxx variants as candidate algorithms - as there are a number of open source implementations available on Arduino. In the end; we simply couldn't afford the program overhead required for the algorithms - so, we went on the hunt for a more lightweight one - as security should be covered by the encryption layer.

Bob Jenkins has written and published a number of hash functions over the years - the goal is to find an algorithm that produces a unique value for each string or buffer that is provided to it. The less likely there are duplicate values; the better rated the algorithm is. Using the suggestions outlined - I created an algorithm to do the job nicely and not compromise program space or RAM.

A few sample strings - what would typically be sent from an IoT device.

    buf = '{ "ts"=123456, "temp"=28.6, "humidity"=65.4 }' hash = 0x28f102c8 
    buf = '{ "ts"=123456, "temp"=28.7, "humidity"=65.4 }' hash = 0x9293e049
    buf = '{ "ts"=123456, "temp"=28.7, "humidity"=65.3 }' hash = 0xc445b92e

Even with a single character change in the original message - the hash changes dramatically. 👍

Integration into the µTLS (micro TLS) protocol involves simply adding a new key where appropriate and making some changes to the server and client processing engines to extract the value and then perform a new hash on the decrypted data and check that the values match,

    -- request:
    PUT /xxx/index.php HTTP/1.1
    Host: xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx
    User-Agent: Arduino/1.0
    Connection: close
    Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 224
      "session": "e91f5584152639c72d5358a05f9cd887585d13b63a499",
      "security": {
        "protocol": "aes-128",
        "response": "aes-128"  
      "data": {
        "integrity": "1004330131",
    -- response:
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 12:08:27 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Content-Length: 334
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: application/json
    sending a message over microTLS
        "session": "e91f5584152639c72d5358a05f9cd887585d13b63a499",
        "security": {
            "response": "aes-128",
            "protocol": "aes-128"
        "data": {
            "ts": "1482494909",
    ** found ts: 1482494909
            "integrity": "2729352711",
    ** found digest: 2729352711
            "buffer": "jjbMd11bFXeeBn7XX+NzWWPCSCCcnkbbQKJaaFb766Gyh44sgG
    ** found buffer: *streamed*
    :: done
    app state:    7
    current time: 1482494909
    session_ping: 1482495209
    scratch_use:  32
    ** decoded:
        length:   32
        buffer:   8D B3 1D D5 B1 57 78 19 FB 5F E3 73 58 F0 92 09
                  C9 E4 6D 02 89 68 56 FB E8 6C A1 E2 C8 06 5A A9
        ASCII:    .....Wx.._.sX.....m..hV..l....Z.
    ** decrypted:
        length:   14
        buffer:   68 6F 77 64 79 20 70 61 72 74 6E 65 72 21
        ASCII:    howdy partner!
        digest:   pass 

An extract of a running µTLS (micro TLS) client is shown above; we can clearly see the integrity keys in the message exchange. In the event the hash values match; we can trust what was received. If they do not match, we can safely assume that something went wrong in the encryption layer or someone tampered with the message while in transit through to the client.

Oh; and the obligatory:

    Sketch uses 27,198 bytes (84%) of program storage space. 
    Global variables use 980 bytes (47%) of dynamic memory, 
    leaving 1,068 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes.

I also made some improvements to the scratch memory area management - it added a small amount of program space overhead; but it gives a lot more flexibility for processing information than the previous version. With each revision I have refactored sections of code for speed and clarity.

I'm now putting my sights on migrating my weather station to use µTLS - it is a perfect use-case!


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µTLS - defining lightweight security for IoT (part 9)
µTLS - defining lightweight security for IoT (part 7)

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