Looking for some public information from IoT devices?
The guys over at thingful.net
have established a search engine for The Internet of Things. You simply
need to specify the type of information you are looking for an a location.
A number of hot-spots will appear which you can browse to your hearts content.
The website is really just an index of publicly known sources of information -
it doesn't store the information from the devices itself, it simply collects
metadata and references that others can obtain and query directly from the
original source of information.
As a developer you can use the service to browse for public Internet of Things
sources, find out which locations have dense (or sparse) sensor coverage and
figure out which devices are most popular and where they are. With the right
amount of information that can be marked as reliable a number of IoT
applications could be created using such information.
As a individual who has connected devices and is willing to share the
information they offer you associate them to your profile and let people
know why and how to use such information - or find out who has similar
device types or find devices nearby or a specific location.