The radical attempt to digitize of the "throne of the house".
The toilet (dunny, loo, john or whatever you want to call it) is probably the
last place you would want to explore with technical innovation - mainly
because it is associated with biological waste disposal and bad smells;
but surprisingly, a lot of thought has gone into it.
First technology has started with removing manual effort from natures
ceremony - the Japanese firm Lixil announced the
toilet that has an accompanying android application that allows you not only
raise and lower the lid, but flush the toilet and perform other features.
With technology, comes risks - as outlined by
Trustwave SpiderLabs Security Advisory.
Laziness aside a number of people have also pondered
"What your toilet could detect?"
just by adding a few sensors and communication - such as early pregnancy
detection, bacterial infections, prostate analysis, hangover detection and
other key indicators on health.
From a resource efficiency standpoint you may just want to have basic
questions answered like
"Is the toilet free?" or
"How much water and toilet paper has been used?". A number of hobby projects using Arduino or Raspberry Pi
devices utilizing network connectivity to interact with various sensors and
push information up to the cloud for further analysis exist.
In any event; it isn't the first time man has pondered how to modify the
toilet to prevent marriage from becoming a divorce, a few years ago a manual
Toilet seat lifter by PeaceMaker
made sure the seat was always down after the men completed their wizz.