Welcome to the haunted house of hacking horrors.
BBC recently ran a
story highlighting the threats of IoT - specifically the
connected homes appliances already available to the consumer. A great
awareness piece that covers principles of default passwords, social media
etiquette and "what if" scenarios - but is this enough?
Firstly - yes, the house really does exists!
It is however a commercial venture where instead of "hackers" there are
"intrusion experts" that are hired by third party vendors and hardware
manufacturers to for vulnerabilities before products hit the market.
The video even shows the
baby monitor I discussed earlier and shows that very easily
you can have full control (via a program anyone can download).
The baby monitor isn't alone - it has been reported by a group of
french researchers that more than
140,000 devices (story here)
- ranging from routers, to CCTV systems already contain vunerabilities.
To make matters worse - a number of vendors actually share the same
firmware with little or no changes!
The numbers were shocking as it is - but these guys were not really even
looking, they were just doing a simple but systematic analysis of firmware
images scanning for currently known hacks and vunerabilities; they
suggest there could be more but further analysis is required.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
QUOTE: (unknown origin)
We are going to see experts go on about cloud computing, mobile security,
database encryption and other high level concepts - but in the age of IoT
and simple micro controllers hooked up to sensors; the true problem will
eventually be at the source. Time will tell.