Aaron Ardiri
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Internet of Things (IoT)

RIoT Secure AB


Small device, hidden power - this is one of my favourite Arduino devices so far.

As part of my research into IoT security feasibility I got my hands on an Arduino Yún, an official Arduino device that not only comes with a 16Mhz Atmel ATmega32u4 CPU but an accompanying 400Mhz Atheros AR9331 running a Linux variant known as Linino (based on OpenWRT). I was interested to know if this extra CPU could be utilized for more intensive tasks that the low powered Atmel couldn't handle - here is how I got it working.

The first step was to identify exactly how to execute tasks on the Linux CPU and exchange information back and forth - the Arduino team have created a mini library called YunBridgeLibrary which effectively uses a proprietary protocol sending commands and data back and forth over a secondary Serial interface (HardwareSerial) on the Atmel CPU.

The examples show how to interact with standard Linux shell commands and services - but what about running your own applications to do complex tasks? For that we would need to compile C/C++ code into native MIPS binaries - using a cross-compiler or, if we can find it, a pre-compiled gcc to use directly on the device (much less work for sure!)

I came across sniff.org.uk's post on how they figured out how to build gcc directly for the Yún - and viola, they even provide a pre-compiled version for anyone to use (160Mb download). Unfortunately, the default file system on SD cards is FAT32 - which if you try to extract the tarball to you will find quickly that it wont support symbolic links = roadblock.

I used Paragon ExtFS for MacOSX to format my SD card to the traditional "ext3" file system - extracted the tarball then inserted it into the Yún; viola, it mounted without any complaints. Alternatively you could also use the tutorial ExpandingYunDiskSpace to do the same and then copy the tarball to the device and extract directly.

  • # copy gccYun.tar.gz to the Arduino Yún
    $ scp gccYun.tar.gz root@ 
    # ssh to the Arduino Yún
    $ ssh -l root
    $ cd /mnt/sda2
    $ tar xzvf gccYun.tar.gz 
    $ ln -s /mnt/sda2/gcc /gcc
    # setup the path 
    $ export PATH=/gcc/bin:$PATH
    # try to start gcc
    $ gcc
    error: no input files

The default password for the Arduino Uún is "arduino" - it is possible (and recommended to change it) but once you have extracted the gcc tarball to where ever your compatible file system is (/mnt/sda1 or /mnt/sda2 - depending on which method you used), set up your path and you should be able to compile your first C program directly on the device itself. The SD card is only required for compilation - you can simply move the compiled programs to the root directory once created (or, put them in their own directory).

Now your native application is compiled - it is time to code an arduino sketch and run it.

  • #include <Process.h>
    void setup()
      while (!Serial) delay(250);
      // run the program
      Process proc.begin("/my_program");
      // show the results 
      while (proc.available()>0) 
        char c = proc.read();
      // close the process
    void loop()

This will effectively execute the command /my_program 123 456 on the device and echo the results of the process on the Serial connection (from the arduino IDE) - of course, you would customize this to your own needs and put the data returned into a format you could utilize and process. With the limited SRAM available on the Atmel side of the device - you may want to consider writing files to the /tmp directory if you need to pass large amounts of data; it will be faster and much more memory efficient.

To give you an idea of performance, the Yún is almost exactly the same as the UNO or Leonardo - it just has this extra CPU. In my RSA 1024 speed comparisons, the difference was staggering - 12682ms verses 707ms for the same C code; this includes the 200-300ms overhead that the bridge library has as well.

So, what do you plan to do with your Arduino Yún now you know how to use that extra CPU?


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Long live Assembly - cannot beat it for performance.
IoT security - feasibility in micro controllers

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